Year-end Appeal 2022

It’s that time of year…
Thank you for your ongoing support! For over 60 years, the members of Windsor Park United Church have felt God’s call to minister and work within the community of southeast Winnipeg. Our church has provided value to the area – not only as a place to join others on their faith journey, but also as a place of building community.
But…what if Windsor Park United Church was not here anymore?
Would it matter to you? Would it matter to the community? Throughout the pandemic, we have repeatedly seen the value of community in our faith journey. When the church doors closed in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, many of us felt lost and isolated. Over the past 33 months, however, the church has been an anchor for many, grounding us in a continuing sea of change.
So…how has God been working through our church this year?
This year, WPUC continued to provide online services to those in our church community. Due to elevated Covid numbers (January), church construction projects (January-March) and a blizzard (April), we were grateful to have the ability to connect with congregation members online during the times when the church building was closed for in person services. We recorded our services for posting on our website and YouTube channels, eventually branching out to livestreamed services in the fall of 2022. Our dedicated worship team continued to include the Harmony Singers – and we restarted our Worship Choir in the fall!
The Re-opening Committee continued to discuss Public Health recommendations and monitor building protocols. The safety and well-being of the congregation continues to be our highest priority. This fall, in light of the triple threat of Covid19, flu and RSV outbreaks, the committee decided that masks would continue to be mandated in the building. A huge thank you to everyone for your support in keeping each other safe!
We have found that our on-line ministry continues to be valued, staying strong with an average of 70 viewers per service. Again, we have heard from people who are unable to attend in person about how much staying connected to the church has helped them during this continued time of isolation and uncertainty. Our virtual community has expanded to include people from all over Canada and the world. We have multiple playlists on our YouTube channel as well, where, in addition to finding recent services, you can hear music from The Harmony Singers and explore some of our older content.
Mid-week devotions from Patrick, the weekly e-blast from the office, and the Southwinds have kept people up-to-date and connected to the church. Patrick has continued to explore the world of podcasting under the title of “The Pop-culture (and more) Pastor.” These podcasts are another way to reach out to the community and hear a friendly voice discussing issues relating to our faith journey!
Because some in the congregation do not have the use of technology, a team of volunteers check-in periodically with folks at home by phone, while others make sure that the Southwinds, full of congregational news and views, is sent out or delivered.
Windsor Park United Church was the grateful recipient of a Seeds of Hope grant from the United Church of Canada and used the funds to make the front of the church sanctuary more accessible. The chancel area is now one level with an open feel and a new ramp to allow accessibility for all. We are also beginning to upgrade some of our technology equipment in the sanctuary, as it has been well-used during the past few years.
Our little free library has continued to be a blessing to the community. Many people from the church and wider community regularly visit. The butterfly garden was tended by volunteers and continues to bring joy and beauty to the neighbourhood.
With our basement completed and protocols in place, most of our community rentals have resumed. Outside groups have been very appreciative of the work done to keep their groups safe while in our building. We now also have a daycare using our basement space daily. Our “Holy Grounds Café” and Thursday morning study group have given people a place to meet, socialize and learn together.
Our Outreach Council was again able to share hampers this year. Thirteen hampers and thirty-five Thinking of You baskets were delivered before Christmas. There was also an abundance of donations for the mitten tree, which will be shared with Rossbrook House and Splash Day Care. Knitted and crocheted blankets have also been shared with people in the community and we collected bedding for the local Sleep in Heavenly Peace project. A return to an in-person Cookie Walk was a success and sold out!
Throughout the year, Windsor Park United Church continued to provide regular support to West Broadway Community Ministry by providing monthly lunches, made by a dedicated team of volunteers as well as monetary and food donations.
The Memorial Garden continues to offer a beautiful and affordable final resting place for congregation members and their loved ones. With permission from families, we have also been able to post memorial services on our YouTube channel for those who were unable to attend in person.
We have recently learned that Patrick will be leaving us in the spring to pursue other opportunities. We have appreciated his leadership, friendship, and sense of humour and will miss him! This change, however, this also gives us an opportunity to look again at our ministry and work in the world and possibly branch out in new directions. A change in ministry is a time for re-imagining and dreaming about our place and mission in the community and world. How would you like to see Windsor Park United Church grow and change?
Now, as we near the end of 2022, we need your support more than ever. Each year, we face the unsettling worry about being unable to cover our yearly expenses. An ongoing deficit budget means that we are not always able to provide the programming that we is needed. We are asking you to consider contributing a “year-end gift” to the General Fund of Windsor Park United Church to help cover our deficit for 2022 and give us a strong financial start to 2023. It’s something we need our entire church community’s help with.
Even if you can’t make a large gift, know that every little bit helps. It’s about coming together as a community united in the belief that Windsor Park United Church makes a difference in the lives of those it touches as well as the greater world. We hope that you’ll consider making a donation to help us continue to move forward with our ministry.
To make a year-end gift:
- drop off a cheque in the mailbox at the church
- Give through Canada Helps. You can make a one-time donation or set up a monthly donation.
All donations dated on or before December 31, 2022 will be given a 2022 tax receipt.
Blessings as we move forward into the new year together!
Categories: Finance And Stewardship, General News
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