
Notes on the Notes – September 14, 2014

This week: Welcome Back Sunday/Blessing of the Backpacks* This week’s scripture reading: Romans 14:1-12, Matthew 18: 21-35 Season:  Creation time in the season of Pentecost** This week’s music: “Come In, Come In and Sit Down” (Voices United #395) – This family song became known to United Church congregations in the arrangement made by Darryl Nixon for […]

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October 17, 2014 A-Maze in Corn – Youth Group

Attention YOUTH GROUP! There will be fun & scary evening at the A-MAZE IN CORN  on Friday October 17, 2014. Please meet at the church at 6:30 pm. Bring your friends! Cost is $10:50 for 13 and over. $8.50 for 12 year olds. $6.00 for the Haunted Forest. If there are 20 or more youths, […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections September 4, 2014

Well, you will note that my speed of reading has declined substantially with Quiet.  This is a book that demands slow consumption. I just completed a chapter devoted to the apparent affirmation of our culture for extroversion.  Cain begins by describing her experience as a participant in a Tony Robbins workshop in Atlanta.  Robbins is a […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 29, 2014

This will be an ‘interesting’ reflection.  Tomorrow morning I being the 24 hour drive home anticipating the two audio books that will make the journey fly by.  Any time I plan a long road trip I prepare with a trip to the book store.  As most of you know, I love to read.  My choices […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 24, 2014

I read Ed White’s, Saying Goodbye today  While the book is fairly old having been published in 1990, I was anxious to read it.  Some years ago I travelled to North Carolina to take a five day course on long-term pastorates with Ed White.  He was on the Presbyterian Synod staff in the DC area for many […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 23, 2014

Well, what an interesting Sunday morning.  I had planned to visit a different church today and had carefully checked their website last night to get the time and location.  What a surprise when I arrived to a sandwich board out front announcing that worship had actually started one hour EARLIER!!!!  I sat in my car […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 22, 2014

Today is a sad day.  The phone call I had been dreading and expecting finally came.  My friend Karen has died.  She is part of the amazing girls weekend group from residence at Carleton University so many decades ago.  Along the way, she has provided my home away from home on sabbatical.  Karen was a […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 21, 2014

Let me begin today with a word of thanks.  This marks the end of the third week of my sabbatical.  It has been a busy and blessed time.  Sabbaticals have only become part of a minister’s employment package in the last decade or so.  Until then I had managed around the three weeks of annual […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 20, 2014

Today I read Mary Lindberg’s, The Graceful Exit.   She is a Lutheran pastor who served in congregational ministry as well as a writer and chaplain.  As much as anything, I was drawn to this book by the title.  When the time comes, I want my departure to be done with as much grace as possible.  This […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 18, 2014

Today I completed Bruce and Kate Epperly’s book, Four Seasons of Ministry.  I had read and excerpt of the book in the Alban Institute newsletter in January and decided then that I needed to get a copy.   It looks at the call to ministry from the perspective of the seasons.  While I found the sections on […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections August 17th, 2014

Today I was able to attend worship at First United Church.  It is in downtown Kelowna and one of only two United Churches in this city of 120,000.  I arrived about thirty seconds before  10 am and took my place in the second pew from the back.  I will admit that my worship experience was […]

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