
Previous posts for “Notes on the Notes” can be found under the drop down “Music Programs.”

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Notes on the Notes – September 28, 2014

This week’s theme: Oh, to be human This week’s scripture readings:  Exodus 17: 1-7, Philippians 2: 1-13 This week’s music: “It’s a Song of Praise to the Maker”  (More Voices #30) “It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the thrush sings high in the tree. It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the gray […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections September 26, 2014

It occurred to me that some of you might be wondering how the church life has continued in my absence—or perhaps you haven’t?Shortly after Easter, the Worship Council meets to consider Mother’s and Father’s Day, Pentecost, Welcome Back, Worldwide Communion, Remembrance and Advent/Christmas.  As most of you know, we develop our own worship at WPUC […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections September 22, 2014

Sunday morning began with serene quiet.  We stayed the night on Jesse Sage’s home farm in Batcombe Vale, Somerset.  You will remember Jesse for his visit several years ago to the church.  He is our South Africa connection.  The farm is like the postcards you see of rolling green hills, stone fences, grazing cows and church […]

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Notes on the Notes – September 21, 2014

This week’s scripture:  Matthew 20:1-16 This week’s theme: “If I am first, who is last?” This week’s music: “Mother Earth, Our Mother Birthing” (More Voices #39) – This new hymn celebrates the four traditional elements of creation and the interconnectness of the Creation through time and place.   The words were written by Norman Habel in […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections September 17, 2014

How much does one have to do in order for it to be a good day?  When I think of my ‘normal’ life, fulfillment comes from maximizing the number of accomplishments in any 24-hour period.  From the alarm going off in the morning until the book is closed and the light turned off at night, […]

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Sharon’s Sabbatical Reflections September 13, 2014

Well, many weeks have passed outside the normal routine of work.  Today I was reminded of the process my Dad went through as his retirement approached.  The company he worked for had a very structured protocol for all employees regardless of whether they worked in the plant or in the office.  Because the company offered […]

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